Tuesday, 1 July 2014

A simple and natural remedy for Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory disorders are an increasingly common ailment experienced by the general population. By their nature these illnesses are persistent and irritating. Often their persistence seriously affects the patients' quality of life; this is where I believe the following treatment is of some use: mindfulness. While it does not 'cure' the patient, it has been shown that it does certainly improve his or her subjective wellbeing and allows them to enjoy an enhanced quality of life while afflicted with respiratory problems.

What is Mindfulness

Mindfulness and serenity

Mindfulness has its origins in ancient Buddhist tradition, going back 2500 years. As Jon Kabat-Zinn says, “Mindfulness is simplicity itself. It is about stopping and being present”. We will explore what this entails duly. Mindfulness has recently enjoyed something of a resurgence in self-help and medical circles owing to the undoubted benefits it brings the practitioner. These benefits include:

  • Improved self-control
  • Reduction in chronic pain
  • Reduction in Blood Pressure
  • Improved ability of enjoy life's pleasures
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced anxiety/anger

Those are just some of the benefits.

How can I practice Mindfulness?

First of all, anyone can practice mindfulness: no special equipment or tecnhiques are involved. After reading this blog, you will be ready to try it. It should be said at the outset that it's effects are progressive and long-term, and as such it is a long term practice. Therefore a period of time should be set aside each and every day in order to practice mindfulness: this is a very important caveat.

Mindfulness is simply about 'being in the moment'. Let's take any simple, repetetive and routine activity we do each day: it could be getting dressed in the morning, having a shower, going upstairs, eating a meal or washing the dishes. I will focus on this last activity in this post but what follows can be applied to innumerable daily tasks and activities.

Let's say you are washing the dishes after dinner. If you are not a mindfulness practitioner, I can bet I know where your thoughts are whilst engaged in the washing-up: you will be thinking about what you did presviosuly that day; you will be thinking about what you are going to do after you have finished the washing up, you will be thinking of a friend or a family member who is not here at this moment...

In short your mind is everywhere except on what you are doing. A tiny fraction of your mind is engaged in the washing up, the rest of it is far away, indeed. This is not mindfulness!

Lets get started

An everyday task: washing the dishes

OK, this sounds so easy it almost seems silly! Let's say you're standing at the sink about to engage in washing up. (As I said all of this is applicable to many different activities we do, especially repetetive ones). First, take a moment to review how your body feels: are there any areas of tension? Any areas which are sore or hurting? If you can relieve the tension, go ahead and change position (it's amazing how often we stand or sit in uncomfortable positions without realising it!); if you're noticing a sore spot then just let it be, but notice it and focus your attention there for a moment.

Now, reach out with your hand to the tap and open it. Notice just how much effort is required to turn the tap: does it turn easily or does it require more force. Watch and listen to the water emerging into the bowl in the sink: just look at the scene before you and concentrate on that to the exclusion of all else. As you squeeze the detergent into the bowl notice the citrus smell that wafts up, see the foam form inside the bowl.

Reach out to grab a plate (notice with how much force you grab that plate – we often hold things much more tightly and use much more muscle power than is actually necessary) and place it in the bowl. As you wash the plate, focus on the sensation of the cloth wiping around, listen to the squeaking sounds and the noise of the foam bubbles bursting, feel the temerature of the water...

It is clear that this style of thought is different from our everyday one: the mind is competely focusssed on the 'here and now', on all the sensations the body is experiencing. That is mindfulness.

Of course, while you are attempting mindfulness, other thoughts will inevitably creep into your head: like bubbles they will arise. Let that be, don't kick yourself for having thoughts. Allow the thought to arise but just don't follow it up. These things can wait until later, after you've finished the dishes you can revert back to 'normal mode'.


Don't expect to reap the benefits overnight; this is a long-term therapy which is of benefit to many in society, not just those with respiratory illnesses. In enabling the mind and body to co-exist in the present moment, mindfulness and help those with many chronic illnessses to become stronger and more resilient, thus gaining some ground over their malady.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Dealing with leg and foot cramps

Foot Cramps in the night

I recently posted about sleep disorders giving some suggestions for their treatment. A closely related conditon is that of foot/leg cramps. Many people are brutally awoken from their sleep by these conditions and in this brief post, I hope to offer some suggestions for their avoidance.

Cramps usually affect lower legs and feet

First of all, what is the root cause of such cramps? When there is excess tension in the body (whether it arises from stress, over-exercising, excitement about some forthcoming event, or any other source) this manifests itself in strange subconcious muscle contortions and contractions. If the level of this muscle activity reaches a high-point and goes beyond a threshold, cramps ensue.

One of the most straightforward ways to prevent cramps is to allow to energy to drain out from the legs, to the floor. The easiest way of achieving this is to stand upright next to your bed before getting in for the night. Grab the back of your next with the right hand and reach as far as you can down the side of the left leg with your left hand. Remember not to lean over to the left: remain standing upright. Then repeat the process on the other side of the body.

Should the symptoms persist, I also find that Calcium Carbonicum can provide an effective remedy against these unwanted intrusions into your peaceful sleep.


Friday, 23 May 2014

Cestodic Therapy: fast, easy weight-loss

How to lose weight fast, without eating less: Cestodic Therapy

I shall state from the outset that some people may find the subject that follows 'squeamish' or distatesful. I would ask you to put your predjudices aside whilst you consider what follows. And remember, given the choice between harmful chemicals which are designed to perpetuate your condition (and thus maximise the profits for Big Pharma) and natural remedies which have existed for centuries and been adapted for modern use, you would be very foolish to have any doubts about which path to follow.

Fact: Tapeworms co-exist peacefully with many wild animals. It is the norm for wild carnivores and herbivores to harbour so-called 'parasitic' worms. Furthermore, up until very recently, most humans had such relationships with worms: only with the advent of modern medicine have they been eliminated from human populations.

Fact: It is known that tapeworms of whatever strain come in two varieties: the helpful and the detrimental. Whilst it is important not to confuse the two, we would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we tar them all with the same brush.

Fact: The introduction of worms to your intestinal tract, under strictly controlled and regulated conditions, can help you lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Several patients of mine have been through this process and have found it to be by far the most effective weight-loss programme they had tried. In fact, everyone agreed the results were astounding.

Tapeworms live in the guts of most species of wild animals: foxes, birds, horses, reptiles, deer, fish... You name it, it's probably got a tapeworm. With no-one to 'de-worm' them, most of these animals co-exist quite happily with their tapeworm(s): it's a natural relationship which has been in existence for millenia. 

Tapeworm coexisting within host (cartoon)

The largest ever discovered tapeworm was recovered from the gut of a Blue Whale and measured 48.5 metres in length; it had a girth of 60cm at its thickest point. Needless to say, such large tapeworms can not live in terrestrial creatures: the largest tapeworm found in a human was discovered in 1991, measuring 11 metres. On the other end of the scale, tapeworms found in the intestinal systems of ants measure only 0.1-0.2mm. This all illustrates the tremendous variety this animal displays in its morphology. 

For some reason, modern techno-scientific, reductionist-rationalist medical man came on the scene and decided he didn't like the co-existence of animals with tapeworms. Yet again, the black-and-white dualism of the scientists' thought patterns failed to acknowledge the complexity of the situation and all tapeworms were branded as 'bad'. They had to be exterminated. Noxious chemicals that would expel the tapeworm from both mans' body and the bodies of his domestic animals were developed (and sold!). This interference with the harmony of nature has not only greatly diminished the natural tapeworm population but also left the guts of men and their animals out of sync with their natural balance.

The Problem of Obesity
Obesity is one of the leading problems modern society faces, and many 'cures' are out there on the market: from milk-shakes that taste good, to surgical procedures to remove fat. None of these interventions has much effect in actual fact – partly due to the fact that the intervention is a temporary one.

Obese Person

A Solution to Obesity: Cestodic Therapy
Enter Cestodic Therapy; something that has been around for many years but has been rejuvenated by myself and a group of patients. Over the last 4 or 5 years we have been working together to perfect a technique which allows the introduction of a tapeworm into you, the host. Matters were intially complicated by the fact that the beneficial tapeworm strain originally endemic to the humans of Western Europe has become extinct (the last known specimen is believed to have died with its host in 1972). After a bit of digging around and travelling, a closely-related strain from North Africa was imported (in my gut) to the cooler climes of London. Here, we began our experiments the results of which I am about to present to you.

How Cestodic Therapy works
Cestodic Therapy consists of three main stages:

  • Stage 1: Growth of worms in Nursery
  • Stage 2: Training of worm to consume gut contents selctively
  • Stage 3: Introduction to Host
  • Stage 4 (strictly optional): Expulsion of worm

Growth of Worms in Nursery
Worms are hatched from eggs under strictly controlled temperature conditions under a heat lamp or in an incubator. Either way the temperature must be strictly regulated and maintained at 37.5 degrees (pm 0.5 degree). Within 24 hours of hatching, the worms are transplanted into the Nursery: a jar, containing a sugar solution (the worms' initial foodstuff). Special attention must be paid to the depth of this water: too deep and the worms will 'drown' through lack of oxygen. As the worms grow, the solution is topped up to maintain a steady supply of nutrients.

Egg sacs (technically known as proglottids) in Hatchery. Zoom in: there are three proglottids here surrounded by brown sugar, upon which the newly-hatched wormlets will initially feed.

Tapeworm Nursery (lid is left loose on jar to allow air circulation)

Training of Worm (Preparation for introduction to host)
Prior to this stage, a full analysis of the patient's needs will have been completed in conjunction with a nutritionist. The energy balance of her requirements will be known and a full dietary plan will be drawn up, indicating which food elements should be selectively 'mopped up' by the worm.

Seven days before the planned introduction, the young worm is removed from the nursey. At this stage, it usually measures 10-15cm in length. Upon removal from the Nursery, the worm is taught to feed on certain food groups. It makes sense that the worm is trained to consume carbohydrates and fats in much greater quantities than, say, vitamins and minerals.

Worm recently removed from Nursery. Measures about the length of a biro

To this end, the worm is placed in a bowl of the 'target foodstuffs'. This stage is a delicate one, in that the 'richness' of the foodstuffs to which the worm is exposed must be gradually increased. If sudden exposure to extremely rich or fatty foodstuffs is given, the worm may go into shock and die.

Initial Stage of Training: simple carbohydrates (rice). If you look carefully you can make out the worm amongst the rice. Constant attention must be paid to both temperature and moisture through these stages, lest drying out occur.

I like to start the process with a simple bowl of rice. After 24 hours I will add some bones from the cooking. With the passage of a further 24 hours, it should be safe to add some diced up meat (any red meat, or pork), then after a further 24 hours some diced up animal fat is added. These conditions are maintained at 37.5 degrees until the end of the week, at which point the next stage is to be undertaken.

Introduction of Worm to Host
This stage should be straightforward: in theory, it simply consists in the ingestion of the worm (without chewing, of course). However, I have found that (no matter how enthusiastic initially) the patients require some encouragement, and opening a bottle of good wine frequently helps the process.

In essence, the worm is rolled up into a ball and simply swallowed. Not difficult, but easier said than done.

Weight reduction to the target is usually acheived within a matter of 2-3 months, sometimes a little more, somtimes a little less (depending on a variety of factors).

Expulsion of Worm
This last step is entirely optional; some people do not wish to continue living with the worm, others do. As I have outlined above, it is the natural state of our digestive system to 'share its load' with a 'parasitic worm' (or several) so I personally do not recommend this step. The option is there, if requested but does entail the ingestion of some pretty nasty chemicals and entails the death of the worm.

Those are the steps involved in Cestodic Therapy. Now for a brief review of the results.


The real names and identities of participants have been concealed in order to maintain confidentiality.

Those are the steps involved in Cestodic Therapy. Now for a brief review of the results.


Pete lost over 32lbs using this method in just 3 weeks. He elected to keep the worm in his system after having reached his target weight and reported an additional unexpected benefit: previously a sufferer of severe hayfever, his symptoms improved dramatically.

Pete: before and after

Tara lost over 70lbs, over a period of 2.5 months.

Tara: before and after


Cheryl lost about 40lbs; it took just over a month.

These are just a few of the participants who have assisted in the development of this natural weight-loss technique; in total I have worked with 12 people who have succesfully lost weight this way. I think the results speak for themselves: the speed and ease of weight loss using Cestodic Therapy is entirely unrivalled. Do get in touch if you are interested in learning more.


Treatments for Insomnia

Sleep Disorders

Disclaimer: the information provided here is for educational purposes only. Should you have problems with getting off to sleep, you are advised to seek the help of a profesional and under no circumstances to attempt to self-cure yourself. Messing around with remedies, some of which may be toxic if not treated properly, is foolhardy.

Human Life years gone by
In the past the human day would have revolved around the rhythms of mother nature. Rising when the sun rose, spending the day foraging, tending to the young and old, meditating, talking and eating, people lived at a natual pace. These days, however, all this has changed.

I believe the roots of the downhill spiral lie in the Industrial Revolution which began in England around 1760; they may, however, be a little before or a little after this event. The point is we have landed in a situation under which we no longer operate at mother nature's rhythms: we have usurped them and supplanted our own ideas in the place of nature.

Human Life Today
Rather than awaken with the rise of the sun, we are snatched out of our sleepful reverie by an alarm clock. Rather than spending the day looking for food and fuel with loved ones, we work in artificially lit offices and factories, doing artificial work whose value, at best, can be considered doubtful. And rather than working at our body's natural pace, we work at the pace of the computer or machine: “Man has become a mere appendage to the machine”, in the words of Karl Marx. (I am not a communist, but that man does have some great turns of phrase).

These developments have not taken place without effects on our spiritual and physical health. A hugely common cluster of disorders one sees in healing practice today are sleep disorders. I firmly believe they arise from the dictates of modern society – it stands to reason (furthermore, you never hear about Biblical characters complaning about problems getting off to sleep).

Some of my favourite remedies
There are a multidude of homeopathic remedies out there for those with this kind of problem. As ever, the remedy is tailored to the person and her particularity; the choice of remedy, its method of delivery and the level of potentisation will vary with each different circumstance. Here are a few that I like and use most often:

Especially useful for those only able to drop off towards morning, after a night of tossing and turning. When finally sleep comes it is full of anxious dreams. Often comes in herbal form as an infusion.


Helps those who suffer feelings of suffocation during sleep and thus use many pillows under their head. These patients often get very thirsty and must drink several times through the night. After midnight, sleep gets worse with tossing and turning going on until the early hours.


Oak Bark
Some people feel tired after having gone to bed, but are completely unable to sleep. Their minds may be active and full of ideas or reflections about the day gone by and this may go on for 3-4 hours. Finally, when sleep does come it is deep but broken too soon by the alarm clock.

Oak bark

As she goes to bed, the patient does not feel in the least bit tired although in the afternoon she may have felt tired. It may take some considerable time or sleep to occur once she has 'hit the sack', causing distress and irritation for a life partner who has to endure the tossing and turning.


There are many more remedies out there but these are just a few of my personal favourites. Of course, as ever, the choice of remedy depends on a host of factors for which it is beyond the scope of this blog to explore.

Peace,Love,Respect. Darryl.xx

Thursday, 22 May 2014

The problem with Techno-Scientific Reductionist-Rationality

Techno-Scientific Reductionist-Rationality and its woes

What follows is an adapted version of the relevant parts contained in my Maiden Post. Looking at the viewing statistics, I can see that by far the least popular post was my initial one. Perhaps that is due to its great length.

I feel that this topic is so important to understanding the limitations of the modern medical and scientific outlook (and this the opportunities afforded by the holistic view) that I would reduce those relevant sections and post them here...

We live in a world that is governed by what I call 'Techno-scientific Reductionist-Rationality'; it is practiced and foisted upon us by people whom I refer to as Dawkinsists (after the nutty professor Richard Dawkins). Sometimes you may also see me refer to these people as 'Ditchkins'ists ('Ditchkins' was a name coined by my great friend Terry Eagleton to describe the deniers of all faith; it's an aglomoration of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens).

Richard Dawkins - the nutty professor

Terry Eagleton

Scientists take a world which is complex and varied and seek to simplify it as far as possible. They view it as a mechanistic system comprised of 'building blocks', which act with no more complexity than cogs in a wind-up-clock. The ultimate aim of these scientists is to find the smallist particle (the equivalent to a the grains of sand that make up a wall), strangely named the 'God particle'.

Cogs - all we really are... (according to Ditchkins)

The machines which scientists use to observe this world aren't actually neutral obervers: rather, they make the objects which become visible. From X-Ray crystallography to the geiger-counter, the instruments of science do not simply create a picture of what is out there, they produce what is out there. This is a well-documented fact amongst sociologists of Science, like Bruno Latour.

Once the techno-scientists have 'discovered' something, what do they do next? They create yet more interventions (experiments/hypotheses) on those objects which were previously 'discovered', thus uncovering yet more 'facts' about out universe. This is why science is reffered to as a 'discourse': a “practice which forms the very object of which it speaks”.

Scientist in a lab - does this look like real life to you?

Let us examine this techno-scientific worldview a little more. You and I see the world in a multiplicity of colours and tones, depths of hue and shades of grey. The techno-scientists do not. To them there are just two colours: black and white. Everything done in their labs is reduced to this simple binary division. This is why they often make simplistic proclamations like “God does not exist” or “homeopathy does not work”.

The only words in their lexicon are “existence” and “non-existence”; “yes” and “no”. However, both you and I know that between the dual termini of “yes” and “no” there lies a continuum of possibilities – as elduded to by Robin Thicke in his recent hit song Blurred Lines.

Robin Thicke - what les between 'yes' and 'no'..?

The Holistic worldview, on the other hand, recognises that reality is much more complex than the scientists would have you believe. When you go to your family doctor, after a series of brief questions s/he will give you a pack of pills.

If you visit a holistic healer, after an in-depth exploration of your deepest self, s/he will prescribe a course of treatment tailored to you as you are today. And external factors will also be taken into account: the season, the position of the celestial bodies, the phase of the moon...

This is one of the reasons why homeopathy frequently works so much more effectively and quickly than mainstream medicine.

Which brings me to one more point... The refrain amongst the reductionist-rationalists is “homeopathy hasn't been proven”. This is simply not true. What they mean is their scientific testing schemes fail to grasp the way in which homeopathy works. They are looking for a yes/no answer, whereas homeopathy delivers something more ambiguous. It is as if they are trying to catch butterflies in a net designed for catching Tuna. The butterflies escape. The means for verification and acceptance have to be more nuanced. I have worked with patients for a decade and I can tell you that often we have to tweak a treatment, but we practically always find an effective remedy for the problem in hand.

Homeopathy section - British Pharmacy

With each passing day, more people stand up and take note of what holistic therapies have to offer. Maybe it is through word of mouth or maybe it is from personal experience but increasing numbers of people are attracted to join our ranks. And what is currently an offshoot of mainstream medicine, we will coalesce and soon we will become the mainstream. Soon we will be a crowd, shouting from the rooftops: demaning our rightful place at the centre of healthcare policy. Consider this a manifesto for action; it is time to start marching!

Peace, Love, Respect. Darryl.xx

Chronic Fatigue/ME Remedy

Chronic Fatigue/ME Remedy

Up there amongst the most common ailments I see in the clinic (and I see these almost every day) are chronic fatigue disorders. I believe that this constitutes a whole family of related illnesses and they become manifest in differing ways between people.

This is a prime example of where modern medicine fails its patients. Most of those who come to me to seek help with these problems are turned away by their family doctor, told the illness does not exist or that their symptoms are indicatie of some other illness, such as depression. I don't doubt for one moment the very real existence of this cluster of conditions and I have seen huge improvements in almost all of my patients, confirming my opinions of both cause and cure.

I don't know whether the following happens to you often or not. All I can say is, those of us who have been in this game for long enough tend to develop a heightened sense of intuition. I suppose this goes with the territory to a certain extent: without intuition you can not really practice homeopathy or any other kind of healing.

Anyway, I digress. Early on in my career I would see a great deal of patients complaning of Chronic Fatigue-type symptoms, each of them different.

One cluster of patients, complaining of tiredness and difficulty getting out of bad of a morning proved very difficult to treat. The standard thing I used up until then was Calcarea Phosphorica, however, try as I might I couldn't do much for these patients.

Then one day a glint of intuition occurred to me. I had been thinking of the energy-giving and -taking properties of mangets, and the iron content of the blood – two interconnected phenomena. I considered: if iron particles could be magnetized just enough and their vital energy transferred to the patient, this might just do the trick

There followed a period of experimentation after which both I and the patients became convinved this was phenomenally succesful.

I outline the process as I have developed it here.

Take an iron rod and magnetize it by stroking a magnet against it. Here I am using a magnetic screwdriver, it doesn't really matter what you use. The number of strokes neccesary to achieve the correct balance varies, depending on the properties of the iron, and your magnet. I can usually feel in the tips of my fingers that hold the rod when it is ready. You want to get to the stage where you can sense the magnetism as a slight tingling/tickling sensation, but I mean slight.

Magnetization of Rod

Then, using a piece of sandpaper, sand the rod to produce Iron finings. You only need a pinch of these. Now we are ready for Potentisation... For most of my patients, this is done at 7C or 8C, with very little variation.

A small pile of filings

Discovering this remedy was one of those 'Eureka' moments for me, and I would like to share it with you. Iff you decide to try it, proceed with caution; as you well know, magnets can have considerable effects on the body, especially when the exposure is prolonged.

Peace,Love,Respect. Darryl.xx

Eliminating Spirits

Eliminating Spirits

This is a task which befalls me very rarely, fortunately. Still, when the need arises, it is good to have a technique to deal with the challenge.

It is my view that the world is now populated with more people than have ever lived before. Add into the mix the number of animals and other living beings on the planet at this moment and multiply it across the years of history, you come to a staggeringly large number of beings which have lived and died.

It therefore goes without saying that the world is becoming increasingly full of spirits. Some of these are good, others indifferent and a minority cause problems. Be it a disgruntled fox, a jealous dog or the serf condemned to a life of misery on a Feudal estate seeking revenge in the afterworld, angry spirits can undoubtedly crause great distress for the living.

My wife hails from Siberia where an ancient tradition has long been proven to rid people and places of unwanted spirits. I shall hereby share the remedy with you.

Yakutsk - my wife's town

Take a healthy, live domestic cat and remove a few pinches of fur from one front leg. Rather than pulling this out, I would recommend the use of sharp scissors. Place this into a small jar, along with 5 or 6 drops of turpentine. (As an aside, in Siberia they use the extract from a local tree which contains similar properties to turpentine; this being unavailable in the UK, I elected to use turpentine and can vouch for its substitutability).

Put the jar in a safe place, far from any flammable materials. The inside of a fireplace, or even a kitchen sink will do. Drop a match into the mix and stand by while it burns. This will take a few minutes.

Preparation in a safe place for burning

No, the smell is not particuarly nice but it does a good job of driving the spirits away. I don't know why this works, perhaps the spirits can't stand the smell, perhaps there is more to it. I am not qualified to say; all I know is on the occasions when it has been neccesary, this method has never failed me.

Peace,Love&Respect. Darryl.xx

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

A Natural Hayfever Remedy

A Natural Hayfever Remedy

The time of year when those of you who are unfortunate enough to suffer from this malady are exposed to pollen is upon us. As such, I shall share my procedure for treating this illness.

Take a bowl of distilled water and place it outside, in the environment where the pollen source is. This could be in your garden, or in a local forest, or even the edge of a farmer's field (assuming he grants you permission).

The Distilled Water in the Environment

This is left for a timespan of 48 hours. Collect the bowl and the next step is dilution (the current mix is extremely unstable and dangerous and should be used without potentization under absolutely no circumstances).

I take 3 drops and potentisize it sequentially into 500ml jars. The number of repetitions depends upon the individual, body size, lifestyle and severity of symptoms but is usually between 5C and 10C.

Preparing for Dilution

With the elimination of hayfever symptoms, you are free to enjoy a sneeze-free summer!